I wanted a break from designing, so I spent a night creating a enclosure for my first version of the Audiuno Synth. Its really cool when you can use the synth in a enclosure, it gives it a more finished feel. I was playing around with it and I made A LOT of sounds that weren't originally meant to be made, I could even get a sorta distortion affect. I think most of this was from my analog input somehow floating and generating random numbers. The enclosure is just a old cardboard box I found laying around. I attached the pots, then spray-painted it. The audio jack is on the side of the box, along with the power cable. If anyone wants me to make a video demo just post a comment.
Friday, January 9, 2009
I wanted a break from designing, so I spent a night creating a enclosure for my first version of the Audiuno Synth. Its really cool when you can use the synth in a enclosure, it gives it a more finished feel. I was playing around with it and I made A LOT of sounds that weren't originally meant to be made, I could even get a sorta distortion affect. I think most of this was from my analog input somehow floating and generating random numbers. The enclosure is just a old cardboard box I found laying around. I attached the pots, then spray-painted it. The audio jack is on the side of the box, along with the power cable. If anyone wants me to make a video demo just post a comment.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Synth PCB
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Arduino Synth 3.4
Solduino - Solar Powered Arduino
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Arduino Synth 3.2
- Audio Output
- 6 Sliding Pots
- 2 SPDT Switches
- 2 Status LED's
Now that the pitch doesnt need to have its own pot, I can have seperate volume envalopes for each oscillator making it much more interesting. Also with the two switches, I can implement a choice between Square and Triangle waves. Also the board is much more compact now that all the pots are attatched to the board. I havnt actually fabricated a PCB yet, but I plan to within the next week.
Future hardware Features:
- A LCD Interface
Here's a Parts List:
G – Ground
5V – Voltage In
L1 – Serial Status LED, Yellow
L2 – Power Status LED, Red
R1, R2 – 220Ohm Resisters
R3 – 50Ohm Resister
SW1, SW2 – SPDT Switch
AUDIO – Audio Output Jack
MIDI – Midi jack w/ Breakout Board
J1, J2, J3, J4 – Assorted Jumper Wires
IC – 6N137 Optocoupler 10MBit
Squares – Male or Female Headers
This board is getting to the point where I can't fabricate it myself anymore, so I'm thinking of making this into a kit with a double-sided silkscreened PCB. Please Give me some input.
Arduino Robot Platform 1.1
Friday, January 2, 2009
Arduino Intro
I have been working for a couple months with the Arduino and have decided to start a blog to document my projects. The most recent projects are:
Arduino Synth - A simple Granular Synthisizer that has two oscillators.
Arduino Robot Platform - A robot platform that I can attatch different sensors to.
Arduino Solar Tracker - A pan/tilt solar cell that provides power to the Arduino.
I will continue to update how each of these projects are doing.